Saturday, October 15, 2005

trabajandito..........(meanwhile in the Bat Cave)

sometimes is amazing how much time a single piece of music takes me to be completed. In my case there is a composition of mine, which will be featured in the upcoming album, that took me literally a year to compose. Nowadays, well it's still hard, for me to write music. Is a proccess I love, for once is done boy, the elation I get to hear my music come to life being played by the band it's beyond anything I can imagine.
2 pieces are done in the preproduction stage of this new album, one needs a minor tweek and the 3rd one is about to be done...all sections are cleared approved, now it comes the annoying task of figuring out when do they sound good together and have the final product staged. I have a pretty good idea of how it will be, I've been procrastinating too much lately.
But, the aid of technology is here to stay...I dont' know what I'll will do without it.
With the help of GarageBand from Apple and LIVE from Abbleton, it's incredible how fast I can complete tasks.
I'm INCREDIBLY happy with the new piece, a groovy 5/4 time Afrocuban Songo, dedicated to the memory of my late cousin, Danilo Aponte.
I'm sure that he would be pleased with the piece wherever he went.
for you Dani.
A 3rd piece is done, but needs some arragements, so that leave perhaps 4 or 5 more to go!!!!!
Hopefully we'll get in the studio by end of Feb or March.