Saturday, June 24, 2006


a new me, with my old clothes, memories of my chilhood, flashed in front of my, a little bit blury, cause of the tears.
the remembrance for the Arepitas de la abuela, the cachapas con queso e'mano. El cafecito and El universal in the morning.
Or anxiously waiting for Sopotocientos, to show up on TV.

Now I walk a path, filled with noble causes, almost part of wonder still, as a fully functional country the USA works pretty darn good!.....I'm proud of be part of a tradition and bright minds.

but My land, Motherland is here with me, with the Joropo, and the chicha Andina, and el Papelon con limon. My ancenstry of humbling beginnings in a small middle of nowhere in South America...coming from far away.....Cantabria, Castilla y Leon,
Italy, France, ............

I AM a Citizen of this world.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Quien Eres?
Porque Llegastes?
Cuando te fuistes?

Porque, Te fuistes?
por que te escondes?
Como dolio?
Que se sintio?

Cuando regresas?
si es que regresas,
Porque no arriesgarse?
a mas Comos?, Porques? Cuandos?

y dejar los jamases para el dia despues
ese, el que nunca llega, .......
