Monday, February 26, 2007

RPM Challenge '07 almost done

F & I, are about to complete the RPM Challenge for Feb. of 2007.
If it werent' for this crazy idea last year, this music, and the project which is something that we always wanted to do together since our childhood days. Being always inmerse in our own separated projects, we crossed paths here and there on side projects…..but never, really worked on something that was our own.

The music can be quite dark…perhaps more a reflection of our current times that an impression of our personalities in this music. We're proud of the result and how easy has been to produce this hard to label music. The sense of trust in to see how this pieces develop is what I appreciate the most.

*** some of the previous post are actually , lyric material that appaer one way or other in this songs.
****the album should be out for sale on a limited copies base in a couple of months.