Wednesday, September 14, 2005

a blast from the past...

Originally uploaded by jorodu.
here is one of my favorite pictures of all times.
not for the quality of the composition, but for the 'character' included with 'yours' truly.
none other than Mr. Bill Bruford, one of the very reasons I play drums.
a constant source of inspiration.
(boston, sept 1999, I believe)

Sunday, September 04, 2005

more on the stage

Originally uploaded by jorodu.
just one more pic from sat aug 27th, while performing with James Cohen Caravan

Friday, September 02, 2005

horizonte en espiral

horizonte en espiral
Originally uploaded by jorodu.
un Horizonte de espirales, se descrubre a lo lejos...

dime Elegua, cantame Elegua.....abreme las sendas..

el horizonte de espirales que nos espera,
me levanto y miro, pero Lorca me abofetea,
Neruda rie a borbotones....y tras el humo del cigarrillo
Rimbaud me mira langidamente, meneando su cabeza.
....con desesperanza.

El horizonte de espirales....a lo lejos rie...y tan rapido se mueve.
me mueve aca y me mueve alla......
cuentos hechiceros contaban de sus portentos....
pero ninguna preparacion es suficientemente completa para el shock de la vision

el horizonte de espirales en que te encuentras....brilla a lo lejos
con el reflejo de mis ojos..

dame un momento, que me acomodo...
dame un momento, que me preparo...
dame un momento, ...que alla voy

cuantas vidas me esperan, alla a lo lejos...horizonte de espirales??..

on the stage

on the stage
Originally uploaded by jorodu.


Originally uploaded by jorodu.

setting up

setting up
Originally uploaded by jorodu.
what a wonderful weekend, actually 2 weeks...childhood friend Alberto & wife arrived from Galicia, Spain to pay a visit....last time I saw them was 2001.
what a lovely pair...I'll post the photos once they send them...I didn't take any!!!....but, it was an eventful first time perfoming at the "Portsmouth Blues Festival"...what a blast...I perfomed with James Cohen, too short of a set if you ask me...but hey, it was fun.
I'm supposed to go up to Ottawa again to finish the album and to play some gigs and they will be coming down with me to do some dates in NH as well.
so this has been a fun trip so far.
