Thursday, May 12, 2005

Soft Rains Of April.........

Are over........

as many other things..

we remain, have rebirth, die again and again...

soft rains of April are over.....

I found myself, staring an emtpy room, through the shades of a salty rain. that numbs my eyes. Stirrs echoes in my chest, of long gone pains.
I see them walk, and tumble as they go....unfinished dreams that would never be, persons with name that would never be spelled....
a face without a smile, of forgotten parents..

the fake promise of May is over, the misty heath of June clouds the thoughts.
Once we were a dream, once we did it all.

what gifts will come in the fall?
what misses the winter will provide?.....we born, we age, we die, be born again,
a chain made of pain, bulding little by little all the small pieces that completes my heart, piece by piece, bit by bit....

complete but empty.......

the rains of April are gone,
hope of May is done.
....the humid nights of June, brought back the sorrow,

memories please fade, remember me no more....

it's just me, alone......

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Cloudy night........Through the mist of darkened words, it lurks, it moves.......Breathes
into thin air it takes form, it grows.......

becomes alive and hungry, .......Its been there before, since always. Waiting, for the moment to jump again...
I can see its eyes, ......

from the depth of an emptied rib cage, it becomes loud and clear...The howl,

where is my moon?.....Where my prey, where my flesh, where my mate?

awaken beast, ready to laugh again, ........Laugh again at my things, my feelings, my deeds, my attachments...
wanting every piece of me to be taken back into the dark whole it shouldn't have never been let go off.

but there is very little I can do.....Just close my eyes and feel the freezing sharp claw, cutting through my skin....

and there it is, finally......
the thousand cries, the creepy laugh.........The painful, wholesome, heartfelt
I'm here again.........I'm back........

Howl...........Taking me back..

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

so long ago.

Originally uploaded by jorodu.
"Dicen que la Soledad, es no tener a nadie a quien volver"
Miguel Bose

....y una vez mas, el Iberico la pega....
que sensacion esa la de ver una foto de nosotros cuando eramos unos satisfaccion de vernos la cara libre de preocupaciones ( si las habia , seguramente eran tan nimias como: ¿Quien se comio mi chocolate?, o cosas asi...
y esa cara de no tener idea de lo que nos espera 30 lustros despues.....como provoca decirles, ay carajito, deja que crezcas, y veras...cuando estes en primer siclo de bachillerato, mosca con ....!!!!..

siempre que veo esta foto de mi madre y mi tio(que en paz descanse) en la rural Barrancas del Orinoco.....pienso en ello....